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Terra Verde betyder ’grøn jord’, og som resten af vores produkter, er den baseret på et dybtfølt ønske om at gøre en bæredygtig forskel.
Terra Verde er produceret på Den Dominikanske Republik tæt på en lille by der hedder San Pedro de Marcoris. Destilleriet er et af de mest bæredygtige i verden ved blandt andet at være selvforsynende med grøn energi og ved at bruge biomasse fra produktionen som naturlig gødning. I tæt samarbejde med vores master blender, har vi udvalgt de bedste fade til vores Terra Verde rom. Resultatet er en to-produkts rom-serie der er fløjlsblød og med massere af sødme og karakter.
We always strive to please and excite with our sustainable high-quality products,
and this Terra Verde product is put into the world to please and spoil the senses
of everyone who appreciates a sweeter rum that is still full of character, depth and
Dark chocolate, toffee, caramel and orange peel are the dominant taste factors of
this rum. A truly exciting and soft feeling that carries a long-lasting sweetness. The
aging on bourbon-casks is also clearly visible when tasting this beautiful rum and
adds complexity to the experience.
This rum is highly versatile and can be enjoyed on its own as well as in any rumbased
drink where the sweetness of the rum will undoubtably add an exquisite
We always try to improve and explore new directions for our rum, and a vision to create a truly pleasant and exquisite rum to please a wider audience, being a bit sweeter and with a soft palette, makes for the
basis of our Terra Verde.
Terra Verde means ‘green earth’, and as the rest of our products, it is based on a heart felt wish to make a sustainable difference.
Terra Verde is produced in The Dominican Republic close to the small town of San Pedro de Macoris.
The distillery is one of the most sustainable in the world by, amongst other factors, being self-sufficient
in green energy and reusing biomass from the production to use as natural fertilizers.
In close cooperation with our master blender, we have chosen the best rum casks for our Terra Verde rum. The result is a two-product rum series that
is velvety smooth and with lots of sweetness and character.
→ 700 ml bottles
→ 40% VOL
→ Fully tropical made in the Dominican Republic
→ Aged in bourbon for up to 6 years.
→ Made from sugar cane juice (not molasses)
→ Bottled in bottles made from 100% recycled glass
→ Produced in one of the worlds most sustainable distilleries.